Download My Free Guide: How to Promote Your Child's Literacy Development At Home

boy standing while reading map
kid's hand pointing on Devanagari script book

"How do I teach my
child to read?"

As an early childhood teacher, I hear this question A LOT!

But, the truth is, in order for a child to learn to read they need some basic foundational skills first.

I'm Ms. Sally (as my preschoolers like to call me.) I am a special education preschool teacher, and a mom of 2, with a Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction: Early Childhood Education.

I’ve been working in the public school system for over 10 years. Throughout my career, I’ve provided my students’ parents and families with countless strategies and tips to help their children thrive in and out of school.

If you are looking to teach your child important literacy skills, please download my free guide.

In it, you'll find 4 simple and developmentally appropriate strategies on how to enhance your child's literacy development at home!

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